mit Judith Reichert
Aufräumberaterin und -begleiterin

Soll ich Ihnen helfen endlich überall Ordnung zu machen?

Create calm with flowers

Create calm with flowers

Adding fresh flowers to your bedroom can help bring calmness to the space. Also, house plants clean and purify the air. Both are great ways of changing the vibe in a room and making it feel like a more peaceful place.

The peace of finding the perfect scent

The peace of finding the perfect scent

There’s a fine line when using scents to create a calming atmosphere – you don’t want an overwhelming aroma. Rose, lavender and chamomile are all subtle and soothing and can even help you sleep. At night, indulge in a hot bath with a little rose oil added to help you unwind. Then spray your bedroom with lavender to really help you relax before bed .

The ideal view is …

The ideal view is …

The ideal view from my bedroom window is of the ocean, with a warm sun glowing orange while peacefully illuminating the beach..

Lighting and how it affects tranquillity

Lighting and how it affects tranquillity

Lighting has a big effect on the tranquillity of a space. Bright, cool light will make a room appear harsh, even if the rest of the décor is designed to be calming. Meanwhile, light that’s too dim can make rooms difficult to navigate – bumping into furniture is definitely not relaxing.

Der Ausgangspunkt

Der Ausgangspunkt

Sie merken, dass Sie den Überblick verloren haben und dass Sie es nicht schaffen, alleine aus der Unordnung herauszukommen. Sie beschließen, sich die nötige Unterstützung beim Ballast Abwerfen und beim Umstrukturieren zu gönnen.

Change the mood with a soothing colour scheme

Change the mood with a soothing colour scheme

Some colours are definitely more calming than others. Neutral tones like beige, magnolia and cream are soothing and peaceful. Pale shades of blue can evoke relaxing ideas of the sea and the sky. White walls work really well, offering a blank canvas that is clean and calm. Avoid shades like deep reds and purples, as these are shocking to the senses and can make you feel more alert.

When less is more …

When less is more …

A less is more approach is best when it comes to furnishing and accessorising a Zen bedroom. If you imagine that a cluttered mind makes it hard to concentrate, then you’ll understand why a cluttered bedroom makes it difficult to relax. Although, you could slightly amend that rule and go for a king-size bed, which will give you more space to unwind as you get ready to sleep.

Which is best: candles, essential oils or sprays?

Which is best: candles, essential oils or sprays?

Add the perfect scent to a bedroom using essential oils, scented candles or incense. Bunches of fresh flowers are also ideal for adding a lovely perfume to the air. The great thing about scents is you can change them to match your mood.

Don’t let electronic devices distract you from your downtime

Don’t let electronic devices distract you from your downtime

Games consoles, TVs, smartphones and laptops can be distracting in the bedroom. How often does checking Facebook or Pinterest or Twitter interrupt our moments of peace? And they leave your brain running at full speed for a good hour after you've put them down.

Is there a link between clutter and anxiety?

Is there a link between clutter and anxiety?

Seeing clutter piled up on the floor can be overwhelming and may even deflate your mood until it’s been cleared away. Recently, I’ve started keeping things to a minimum in my bedroom and have managed to donate a lot of stuff to charity. Having an uncluttered bedroom has made me feel much less anxious.

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Charlotte, bericebaby.co.uk

Use the icons above to reveal Zen bedroom advice

hanging frame
roller blind
window frame
daytime view
sunset view
blue colour theme
hanging lamp
shelves clutter
excersize bike